Friday, March 21, 2008

I worry too much...

Worry, worry, worry; fret, fret, fret.
That's me. Drives me crazy sometimes, well lots of the time.
In some ways it is helpful, like making sure the i's get dotted, and the t's get crossed.
Other times, all it does is occupy my mind with things that should not concern me, at least not at this moment. And by filling up my brain with worrisome thoughts, I don't leave enough room for the good and productive ones. I guess I need to better learn the art of distraction.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

First time for everything!

I guess I'll give this "blogging thing" a try. I'm not sure what types of things people generally put on their blogs, so I'll learn as I go, I guess. Right now I should be cleaning, but don't want to. (so there!) I did just get this new computer last Friday--love it!--to use for my new business. I'm going to be an independent contractor travel agent for and More on that later. Well, so long for now...